Carrie is creating synergy with the Mass. Commission on the Status of Women in support of safety legislation she helped develop.


We must improve the confidence in our government and increase public trust through unwavering transparency. The City Council must do a better job of providing the community with opportunities to engage and be informed.

Did you feel your voice was heard regarding the Cycle Safety Ordinance (CSO), the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO), and the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO)?

Feedback from community members indicates they have felt excluded, disconnected, and unheard. This sentiment is especially prevalent among our small businesses and our neighborhoods, which form the core of our community.

My goal is to make a positive impact using the SEEK approach, which stands for Safety, Empowerment, Empathy, and Knowledge. I have a track record of successfully fostering collaboration among stakeholders worldwide to achieve common goals. Managing risks involves recognizing and addressing them effectively. Transparency and awareness are essential for good governance. By being transparent, governments can be held accountable, and citizens can participate in the decision-making process by having access to information.