Carrie’s Pledge to the Residents of Cambridge

I firmly believe that the strength of a community lies in its unity, and I am committed to fostering a collaborative environment that focuses on addressing shared concerns. If elected to the Council, my pledge is simple: I will prioritize the voice of every Cambridge resident, ensuring their concerns are not only heard but also actively addressed with integrity.

Moreover, I am dedicated to the following commitments:

  • Restoring Civility and Decorum: The Council meetings and political discourse in Cambridge deserve a return to civility and respect. I am committed to promoting a more respectful and considerate atmosphere in all our interactions.

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: I will base my decisions on unbiased data and evidence-based research, free from the influence of special interest groups. This commitment ensures that the best interests of our community guide my choices.

  • Diplomacy and Inclusivity: My approach to community issues is rooted in diplomacy. I aim to create an environment where all parties understand the art of compromise, ensuring that while not everyone may receive everything they seek, their needs are met, and their voices are genuinely heard.

  • Financial Accountability Through Efficiency: I will champion financial accountability in the city budget by implementing lean management practices across departments. This focus on efficiency will maximize the value of every dollar spent.

  • Empowerment and Support: I am committed to engaging with the community with Gemba walks to understand the needs and areas for improvement.

  • Transparency in Governance: Transparency is paramount in the City Council process. I am determined to ensure that information reaches residents effectively. The community deserves a well-informed and engaged Council.

We can build a stronger, more united Cambridge that thrives on collaboration and effective governance.